Service Area: Royal Palm, Wellington, The Acreage

Call Us! 561-596-5199

Powers Swimming

Miracle Swimming for Adults

Click Here To Register For Our Classes


Essentials 1 : January 6 - 10

Essentials 1 SlowMo : January 13 - 17

Essentials 2 : February 3 - 7

Essentials 1 : February 10 - 14

Essentials 1 : March 10 - 14

Essentials 1 SlowMo: March 17-21

Essentials 1 : April 5,6,12,13

Essentials 2 : April 19,20,26,27

Essentials 1 : May 3,4,10,11 (Full)

Essentials 1 SlowMo: May 17,18,24,25 (Full)

Essentials 1 : June 7,8,14,15

Essentials 2 : June 21, 22, 28, 29

Essentials 1 : July 12,13,19,20

Essentials 1 SlowMo: July 19,20,26,27

Essentials 1 : August 9,10,16,17

Essentials 1 : September 8 - 12

Essentials 1 : October 6 - 10

Essentials 1 : November 3 - 7

Essentials 1 : January 6 - 10

Essentials 1   SlowMo: January 13 - 17

Essentials 2  : February 3 - 7

Essentials 1 :  February 10 - 14

Essentials 1 : March 10 - 14

Essentials 1   SlowMo: March 17-21

Essentials 1 : April 5,6,12,13

Essentials 2 : April 19,20,26,27

Essentials 1  : May 3,4,10,11 (Full)

Essentials 1   SlowMo: May 17,18,24,25 (Full)

Essentials 1 : June 7,8,14,15

Essentials 2  : June 14,15,21,22

Essentials 1 : July 12,13,19,20

Essentials 1   SlowMo: July 19,20,26,27

Essentials 1 :  August 9,10,15,17

Essentials 1 : September 8 - 12

Essentials 1 :  October 6 - 10

Essentials 1 :  November 3 - 7

Printed With  Permission From Miracle Swimming For Adults

Learning to Swim for Adults. We offer Miracle Swimming for Adults as well as stroke improvement, call to find out which one is the best for you

Are you one of millions of people who wish they could swim? According to a Gallop poll, 39% of American adults are afraid to put their head under water. That’s almost 100 million people. 46% of American adults are afraid in water deep enough to cover their head. And 64% are afraid in open water.

Learning to swim takes confidence, control, and a love of the water. If you can learn to overcome and heal your fear of the water, then feeling safe and swimming comfortably will be the natural, predictable result.

Is There More to Swimming Than Learning Strokes? Learning strokes works well for kids that aren’t afraid. Children intuitively pick up basic swimming skills as they learn strokes, such as comfort, control, and how the water works. Adults and children who are afraid cannot learn this way.



are afraid to put their head under water.



are afraid of putting their head under water in pools.



are afraid in deep, open water.

Fear of the water can arise from a negative experience, memory, or lesson. Miracle Swimming is designed for adults and the specific way they learn. Using fun and effective methods, adults can learn to shed their fear and love the water.

Here are some Miracle Swim Class students and their thoughts on the program:

Printed With  Permission From Miracle Swimming For Adults

After Essential 1 course you will likely...

  • Know how to be still and fully present in water even if the thought of it makes you tense now. 
  • Be able to float and unfloat on front and back peacefully
  • Roll from front to back and back to front in shallow water peacefully
  • Do reversals peacefully
  • Know more of how the water works with your body
  • Understand how to remain in control and prevent panic
  • See the path to freedom as a swimmer
  • Have more confidence in water, shallow and deep

You’ll be:

◈ Feeling safe and having a choice all the time

◈ Surprising yourself with your progress

◈ Overcoming fear without being scared

◈ Doing things you never could, because you feel better than you ever did

◈ Receiving satisfying answers to your questions

◈ Being “more yourself” when you leave

◈ Learning in a small class with an instructor and if needed, a spotter

◈ Enjoying individual attention: each student is at a different starting point and learns at his/her own rate, but all need the same information. Therefore, you learn individually, together and at your own pace.

◈Taking a tether that fits you home with you

Above all, you will be completely blown away by the progress you will make

  • Adult Introduction Class

    Introduction Class: This class is 2 hours and a half  (1 hour and 15 minutes in the water, 1 hour and 15 minutes out). There are two Introduction Call for appointment

  • Essentials 1

    Start at the beginning with essentials you won’t find elsewhere. All the basics that no one ever told you plus early skills. Begin to learn how to be at ease in the deep, too.

    Prerequisite: uncomfortable in water over your head.


    $1,429 for 24hr class/5days

    $200 Non Refundable Deposit due upon registration to hold your space in class.

    Payment in full is due 45 days prior to class.

    Separate invoice will be sent after registration for the class.

  • Essentials 1 SlowMo

    This course is exactly like our Essentials 1 Course (see description) except that it goes more slowly and we don’t enter deep water. 5.5 feet is usually the maximum depth of the pool. Spend more time learning to let the water support you in a pool where you can place your hands on the bottom. Learn in standard-depth water, as well. Be with your swimming people!

    Prerequisite: you must be afraid. Some SloMo candidates say, “I don’t know what to do with the water.”

    If you have any questions about the suitability of this course for you, please call. If this is the right course for you, it would be a mistake to take Essentials 1.


    $1,329 for 24hr class/5days

    $200 Non Refundable Deposit due upon registration to hold your space in class.

    Payment in full is due 45 days prior to class.

    Separate invoice will be sent after registration for the class.

  • Essentials 2

    The goal of this course is to finish what you began in Essentials 1: mastering shallow water and becoming calm in water over your head. When you’ve mastered this course, you can rest and play in deep water without getting tired for 10 or 15 minutes. You’ll say, “I can swim.”

    Prerequisites: Miracle Swimming Essentials 1 or Essentials 1 SloMo course. You can float and unfloat, roll over, and do reversals in shallow water peacefully. You’ve learned to use the 5 Circles.


    $1,429 for 24hr class/5days

    $200 Non Refundable Deposit due upon registration to hold your space in class.

    Payment in full is due 45 days prior to class.

    Separate invoice will be sent after registration for the class.

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